Cover image courtesy of Punya Mishra

We (Punya Mishra, Rezwana Islam, and I) just published a new article in the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. The article considers the meaning of TPACK in a world of generative AI. We particularly wanted to emphasize the need of teachers to develop contextual knowledge.

It was incredibly fun to write!

Here is an executive summary, created in collaboration with Claude AI and Punya Mishra:

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Mishra, P., Warr, M., & Islam, R. (2023). TPACK in the age of ChatGPT and Generative AI. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 1–17.


The educational impact of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies, such as ChatGPT, has received significant attention. We use the TPACK framework to discuss the types of knowledge teachers require to effectively use GenAI tools. We highlight the qualities of GenAI that make it like other digital technologies (they are protean, opaque, and unstable) as well as qualities that make it revolutionary (namely, they are generative and social). We describe how these traits affect specific knowledge domains (TK, TPK, TCK, XK, and TPACK) and explore implications for educators. Finally, we argue for a more expansive description of Contextual Knowledge (XK), going beyond the immediate context to include considerations of how GenAI will change individuals, society and, through that, the broader educational context.

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