ChatGPT Doesn’t Have a User’s Manual. Let’s Not Create One.

Note: This is the next post in the shared blogging experiment with Punya Mishra and Nicole Oster. This time we question what and how we should be teaching about generative AI. The core idea and first draft came from me, to which Punya and Nicole added revisions and edits. The final version emerged through a […]

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Why are we surprised?

Note: This is the first post in an experiment at shared blogging by Punya Mishra, Nicole Oster and myself. Over the past months we have found ourselves engaged in some fascinating conversations around genAI, education, bias and more. This shared blogging experiment is an attempt to take some of these conversations and move them into this sharable […]

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The Battle of LLMs and ELLs

An important feature of a learning machine is that its teacher will often be very largely ignorant of quite what is going on inside. A. M. Turing, Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1950 Last week at the SITE conference, I talked with Katrina Tour from Monash University about her work with refugees in Australia. She is […]

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Stranger Skills: Guidelines for Learning and Teaching with AI

Lately I’ve felt like I’m living in parallel universes. On one hand, I am trying to get the word out of the bias in GenAI, the problems that can cause, and the caution we should be using when these technologies are applied in educational contexts. For example, ChatGPT 3.5 provides lower average writing scores when […]

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Stranger Skills at Educators Rising New Mexico, 2024

I have the honor of sharing some ideas about teaching, learning, and AI with New Mexican Educators Rising members at the 2024 Conference. Here are some concepts and resources that might be useful. Ideas for using LLMs in Learning Ideas for using LLMS in Teaching Additional Resources Videos Santa Fe Institute: The Future of Artificial […]

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NMSU Research and Creativity Week

Access resources here! Bad Audio of All Presentations: Bias in LLMs: It’s Not What You Think Full Paper: Warr, Melissa and Oster, Nicole Jakubczyk and Isaac, Roger, Implicit Bias in Large Language Models: Experimental Proof and Implications for Education (November 6, 2023). Available at SSRN: or Beyond Cheating: Using LLMs in Teaching and Learning Higher Ed […]

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RAT Systems
rat made of gears

Note: Post image created with Adobe Firefly. I’ve been thinking about what education should and shouldn’t be, particularly with the flood of AI talk. How we use technological tools for teaching and learning has been a major area of research for decades, but not much has actually changed in schools. I recently read an article […]

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Of Design, Agency, and Blenders
deconstructed blender

Through my blender-fixing experience, I gained a deeper understanding of what Dr. Clapp means by maker empowerment and how I could increase agency by tinkering with the things around me.

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Bing Crosby, Design, and Meaning Making

Note: This post was cross-posted on Thanks to Amanda Riske for her excellent editorial review! ​Over the past few weeks, I have revitalized my crush on the RadioLab podcast–specifically the currently airing series “Mixtape.” I was hooked from the first episode, Dakou, when host and producer Simon Adler starts the series describing the introduction of the Walkman to a […]

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