Another term, another reflection on teaching, learning, and technology. This time I add a social justice perspective.
Another term, another reflection on teaching, learning, and technology. This time I add a social justice perspective.
Through my blender-fixing experience, I gained a deeper understanding of what Dr. Clapp means by maker empowerment and how I could increase agency by tinkering with the things around me.
Note: This post was cross-posted on Thanks to Amanda Riske for her excellent editorial review! Over the past few weeks, I have revitalized my crush on the RadioLab podcast–specifically the currently airing series “Mixtape.” I was hooked from the first episode, Dakou, when host and producer Simon Adler starts the series describing the introduction of the Walkman to a […]
Want to participate in an activity on epistemic fluency? Join below or follow this link: Read more about this approach! “Seeing Things Differently”: Using Diverse Representations to Promote Epistemic Diversity and Fluency Fluency in the application diverse epistemic approaches can help individuals develop a deep understanding concepts. By combining multiple ways of interacting with an […]
This week, I asked my students to draft a “learning, teaching, and technology statement.” Their thoughts and insights pushed me to think more about my own beliefs. Although I have been exploring the relationships between learning, creativity, design, and teaching, I hadn’t ever articulated where “technology” fit in. (A bit ironic, seeing that I am […]
This post was originally shared on Can designing systems be done piece-by-piece, or does it require revolutionary design? Let’s start with two parallel stories of automobiles. Story 1: Waymo In September 2012, Sergey Brin, a Google executive tasked with leading Google’s autonomous vehicle program, suggested autonomous cars would be available to the public in five years. […]
I recently published a piece of systems change in education with Steven Weiner and Punya Mishra. Read more here. Weiner, S., Warr, M., & Mishra, P. (2020). Fostering system-level perspective-taking when designing for change in educational systems. Tech Trends.
Two new publications in TechTrends: Creativity and Play with Sandra Russ and online critical dialogue Creativity and Play Shagun Singha and I interviewed creativity and play expert Dr. Sandra Russ for the latest in the Deep Play Research Group’s series on creative experts. We were inspired by her dedication to supporting children’s creativity through play. Singha, S., […]
One winter morning, I walked into a classroom at Brigham Young University. Then I walked back out. Then I walked in again…was I in the right place? Was I in the right century? Instead of the familiar octagon-shaped tables that we usually crowded around for assessment class, there were a whole bunch of these all […]